互联网摘选 2024-12-14 16:05:32
出版商则会有更低的退货率和库存短缺率, 更高的存货变动率, 更低的销帐率并得以实现更加及时的重印.
来源:网络文摘精选To fill the inventory based on the stock conditions, control of transportation cost and time.
根据产品种类补充库存, 控制运输费用及运输时间.
来源:网络文摘精选Record accurately AP, AR, Inventory, Purchase Cost, Sales Income, Capital, etc.
准确核算应付帐款 、 应收帐款 、 库存 、 采购成本 、 销售收入 、 固定资产等.
来源:网络文摘精选Allows simultaneous container transfer from stock inventory to voyages to reduce loading times.
来源:网络文摘精选It constructs an integrated inventory model including one supplier and one retailer.
来源:网络文摘精选In the future, however, China may have to revisit its statement about its nuclear weapons inventory.
未来, 中国仍然可能重申其一贯坚持核武政策, 然而英国的核武库存在未来可能会减少而不是增加.
来源:网络文摘精选They are just happy to sell their inventory any which way they can.
来源:《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》The first control strategy of single inventory is EOQ model.
单级库存的第一种控制策略是基于经济订货批量(EOQ) 的库存补充模型.
来源:网络文摘精选Travel around city offices to check the warehouse inventory and vouchers single monthly.
来源:网络文摘精选Looking for a warehouse assistant who will be in charge of shipping and inventory management.
现诚征仓库出货员一名.负责出货及货品管理. 必需谙简单的英文.
来源:网络文摘精选So inventory management decision and its models are also important to ERP.
来源:网络文摘精选You can create a quick and dirty inventory by going through home and photographing everything.
来源:网络文摘精选英语巴士 · 高考英语
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英语巴士 · 高考英语
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英语巴士 · 高考英语
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