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  • -able[əbl] suf.[附在动词或名词后构成形容词] 表示:“能…的,会…的”:durable;“可以…的”:drinkable;“具有…特性的”:fashionable;“有助于…的”,“倾向于…的”:peaceable;“易于…的”:breakable;
  • -ally 以-al结尾的形容词加ly构成副词);
  • -ized v.[医]〔后缀〕使…成为( -ize的过去式和过去分词 );
  • -izes n.[医]〔后缀〕使…成为( -ize的名词复数 );
  • 10000 ten thousand
  • 10085 ten thousand and eighty-five
  • 10086 ten thousand and eighty-six
  • 12306 n. 一万二千三百零六
  • 12315 twelve thousand three hundred and fifteen
  • 12345 一万二千三百四十五
  • 33366 thirty-three thousand three hundred and sixty-six
  • 5-htp 5-羟色胺;5羟色氨酸
  • 95588 ninety-five thousand five hundred and eighty-eight
  • A one[ə wʌn] 一个;呱呱叫
  • A-aO2 [医][=alveolar-arterial oxygen(gradient)]肺泡-动脉氧(梯度);
  • A.K.A abbr. also known as又名…; 也叫作…
  • AAPSS abbr.American Academy of Political and Social Science 美国政治和社会科学研究院;
  • ABAMP['æb,æmp] abbr.absolute ampere (10 amperes) 绝对安培(10安);
  • ABAND abbr.abandoned 被抛弃的,自甘堕落的,没有约束的;
  • ABETS[əˈbets] v.教唆(犯罪)( abet的第三人称单数 );煽动;怂恿;支持;
  • AC-DC [医][=alternating current/ direct current]交流/直流;
  • ACGME [医][=Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education]研究生医学教育鉴定委员会;
  • ACt V[ækt viː] 第五幕
  • ADCCP abbr.advanced data communications control procedure 高级数据通信管理程序;
  • ADLOG abbr.Advance Command 高级命令;Advance Logistical Command 前进后勤司令部(美国陆军);
  • ADPCM abbr.自适应音频脉冲编码;
  • AFAIK n.(网络用语)As Far As I Know (就我所知);
  • AGERS abbr.Auxiliary General Electronics Research Ship(s) 辅助常规电子试验船;
  • ALECS[ə el iː siː es] abbr.Automated Law-Enforcement Communications System 自动法律强制通讯系统;
  • ALINA[ailina] n.爱丽娜;[人名] 阿林娜;
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