uproots过去式: uprooted过去分词: uprooted现在分词: uprooting
A bad habit once contracted takes a very long time to uproot ( or root up ).
坏习惯一旦养成,需要很长的时间才能 根除.
来源:网络文摘精选Let poisonous weeds sprout, then uproot them and plough them under for manure.
毒草让它出来, 然后锄掉,锄倒可以作肥料.
来源:网络文摘精选He also appealed to Baghdad to help uproot the PKK from northern Iraq.
来源:网络文摘精选The gens attempted to uproot the entire conjugal system of the period by its direct action.
来源:词典精选例句If the Maoists'political goals seem unattainable, analysts warn they will be easy to uproot, either.
虽然毛派的政治目的似乎难以达成, 但分析家警告说,他们也不容易根除.
来源:网络文摘精选For it would be fire that consumes to Abaddon, And would uproot all my increase.
伯31:12这本是火焚烧、直到毁灭 、 必拔除我所有的家产.
来源:互联网摘选If I accept the job, it will mean uprooting my family and moving to Italy.
来源:《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》To take the new job he had to uproot his whole family and settled abroad.
来源:网络文摘精选I will uproot from among you your Asherah poles and demolish your cities.
来源:互联网摘选This wisdom is strong enough to uproot mona ( wrong view ) with atapi, sati, and sampajanna.
具足精进 、 正念、正知→此智是强到足以拔除邪见的.
来源:网络文摘精选Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot, becoming medium armor units.
来源:网络文摘精选英语巴士 · 英语词汇
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