in sunder分开着,个别地;
Police moved in to separate the two groups, already sundered by distrust.
来源:《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》Does Devastate always generate more threat per rage point spent than Sunder Armor?
来源:网络文摘精选Best practice is to spam sunder , and use HS in between to soak up excess rage.
来源:网络文摘精选Stan: You cannot go to the bathroom, you are stacking sunder armor!
屎蛋: 你现在不能去厕所, 你正在堆叠装甲!
来源:网络文摘精选He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their in sunder.
14他从黑暗中和死荫里领他们出来, 折断他们的绑索.
来源:互联网摘选For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy in sunder.
现在我必从你脖子上折断他的轭, 我必扭开绑你的轭的绳子.
来源:互联网摘选Sunder anddebuffs now reduces armor by 4 % per application, and is now a single rank.
破甲每层减少4%的护甲, 而且可学只有一个等级.
来源:网络文摘精选Once battle begins, they lead the charge, seeking to sunder the weapons of any enemy warriors.
一旦战斗开始, 他们会率先冲锋, 并优先击破敌方战士的武器.
来源:网络文摘精选Is there any reason at all to use Sunder Armor when you have Devastate?
那么当我点出毁灭打击后,我还有必要使用破甲 吗 ?
来源:网络文摘精选The sunder armor debuff seems completely independent of the hate it generates.
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