《简明英汉词典》 2024-12-14 13:47:33
Ancient Athens and the Temple Mount of biblical Jerusalem are also in development.
来源:网络文摘精选VOICE : So according to Einstein's theory, the biblical concept of God is scientifically logical.
因此,跟据爱因斯坦的理论, 圣经里关于上帝的描述是非常合乎科学的.
来源:网络文摘精选A biblical text sung between Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.
来源:网络文摘精选There are Biblical norms to pure relationships between men and women.
来源:网络文摘精选The art of Biblical miniature painting has a history of a thousand years.
来源:《简明英汉词典》What can we learn from Daniel's attitude and actions when our biblical convictions are challenged?
当我们对圣经的信仰受到挑战时,我们可以从但以理的态度和行为中学习到些什麽 呢 ?
来源:网络文摘精选That's one reason the Virgin Birth matters It's a question of biblical authority.
这 就是 童贞女生子意义重大的一个原因,关系到圣经的权威性问题.
来源:网络文摘精选This reflects the Biblical command, " You shall not false witness against your neighbor. "
这一点反映了圣经的诫命—不可对邻舍作假见证 ].
来源:网络文摘精选When you gain true biblical wisdom, you will be to handle life as it comes.
当你能够真正得到属灵的智慧时, 你就能够面对生命了.
来源:网络文摘精选Prophet of ancient Israel after whom the biblical Book of Isaiah is named.
来源:网络文摘精选Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty.
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