
  • 基础释义
  • 纠错
  • adj.


  • adv.


  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 01:16:01
    • 词义辨析
    • easy, facile, simple, simplified
    • 这组词都可以表示“做某事或理解某事没有太大困难”。它们的区别是:
      simply是个最一般的词,指不复杂或不难懂,因此能很快被头脑接受; easy也是一个最一般的词,常指事情容易做,不费劲; facile源于法语,几乎等于easy,但在现代英语中它常与一件表面上的甚至是虚假的东西相联系,因而带有贬义色彩; simplified指经过简化变得不复杂、不难理解或不难做。例如:
      It is very easy to do this thing.做这件事非常容易。
      There are a lot of simplified novels in our library.我们图书馆里有许多简写本小说。the facile smile of the high-pressure salesman有高度工作压力的售货员脸上皮笑肉不笑
    • 速记技巧


      eas 舒适的;容易的 + y …的 → 安逸的;简单的

    • 知识拓展



      Take it easy.不要紧张。

      Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得快。

      Easier said than done.说说容易做起来难。

      如要表示做某事很容易,通常用:It is easy to do sth这个句型。如:

      Itˈs easy(for me)to answer the question.



      English is easy to learn.英语易学。

      He is easy to work with.他容易相处。

      但不能说:He is easy to learn English.


      be easier said than done

      be more easily talked about than put into practice说时容易做时难going on an economy drive is easier said than done.开展节约运动说起来容易做起来难。(as)easy as pie

      going on an economy drive is easier said than done.开展节约运动说起来容易做起来难。easy come,easy go

      used especially in spoken English to indicate that a relationship or possession acquired without effort or difficulty may be abandoned or lost casually and without regret[尤在口语中]来得容易去得快easy does it

      used especially in spoken English to advise someone to approach a task carefully and slowly[尤在口语中]小心行事;从容图之;不着急,不着忙easy on the eye(或ear)(informal)pleasant to look at(or listen to)(非正式)好看(或听)的,悦目(或耳)的go(或be)easy on someone(informal)refrain from being harsh with or critical of someone(非正式)温和地对待某人,宽容地对待某人go easy on something(informal)be sparing or cautious in one's use or consumption of something(非正式)有节制地使用(或消耗)go easy on fatty foods.少吃高脂肪食品。have it easy(informal)be free from difficulties;be fortunate(非正式)容易,轻易;幸运I'm easy(informal)said by someone when offered a choice to indicate that they have no particular preference(非正式)我随便(表示没有特别喜好或要求)of easy virtue(dated or humorous)(of a woman)sexually promiscuous(旧或幽默)(女人)放荡的,水性杨花的,滥交的sleep(或rest)easy

      go to sleep without(or be untroubled by)worries安然入睡;放心,高枕无忧this insurance policy will let you rest easy.这份保险单会让你高枕无忧。stand easy!(Military)used to instruct soldiers standing at ease that they may relax their attitude further(军)休息!(命令稍息状态的士兵进一步放松姿态的口令)take the easy way out

      extricate oneself from a difficult situation by choosing the simplest rather than the most honourable course of action(选择最简单而非最体面的方式)使自己摆脱困境take it easy

      proceed calmly and in a relaxed manner从容不迫,不慌不忙展开全部