Amnaerkning (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish=footnote, note, remark, observation) (丹麦语,挪威语,瑞典语)脚注;注释;备注;观察;
Presided over by Chief Justice William Stoughton, the court was made up of magistrates and jurors.
法庭由首席法官公正的(那时给的评价)WillianmStoughton掌管, 法庭由执法官和陪审团组成.
来源:网络文摘精选Stability has proved the economy's nemesis , as Hyman Minsky predicted.
正如HymanMinsky所预言的, 稳定蕴含着危机.
来源:互联网摘选FLUKE then how to use the LANMETER network tester to detect slow network performance or bad?
那么如何使用FLUKE公司的LANMETER网络 测试仪来检测网络速度慢或性能不良?
来源:网络文摘精选疗效评定采用 CohanMansfield 激越行为量表,临床总体疗效评定量表.
来源:互联网摘选Keith Haring and Jean Michel Basquiat started creating their paintings on the streets.
来源:互联网摘选Like his prime minister , ManmohanSingh, Mr Chidambaram is by instinct a liberal and a reformer.
像他的总理ManmohanSingh一样, Chidambaram先生在内心深处也是一个自由主义者和改革者.
来源:网络文摘精选Like his prime minister , Manmohan Singh, Mr Chidambaram isby instinct a liberal and a reformer.
和总理辛格(ManmohanSingh)一样, 齐丹巴南是一个天生的自由主义者和改革者.
来源:网络文摘精选Even Sean Maloney , Intel's Mr WiMAX , says " they ought to be harmonized "
连Intel的 WiMAX 布道者SeanMaloney都说 “ 他们应当互相配合 ”
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