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  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 01:16:35
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      短语动词 wade in wade into (常指不计后果地)介入,干涉 查看更多 以下资源来自牛津词典 wade in wade into sth (informal) 强行加入,介入,插手(打架、讨论、争论等) to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way The police waded into the crowd with batons. 警察挥舞着警棍冲入人群。 You shouldn't have waded in with all those unpleasant accusations. 你本不该插一杠子,横加指责,让人难受。 wade into sb (informal) 抨击 to attack sb with words in an angry aggressive way wade through sth [no passive] 艰难地处理;费力地阅读 to deal with or read sth that is boring and takes a lot of time I spent the whole day wading through the paperwork on my desk. 我一整天都在伏案处理文件。 收起