
  • 基础释义
  • 纠错
  • n.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 01:17:55
    • 速记技巧


      来自古英语 stice,刺,插,戳,来自 Proto-Germanic*stikiz,刺,插,来自 PIE*steig,刺,插, 词源同 sting,stick.引申词义缝,针脚等。拼写比较 bake,batch.

    • 知识拓展


      短语动词 习语 stitch up 1缝合(伤口) 2陷害;诬陷;算计 3办妥,促成(协议) 查看更多 以下资源来自牛津词典 stitch sb↔up (BrE, informal) 算计某人;诬陷某人 to cheat sb or put them in a position where they seem guilty of sth they have not done stitch sth↔up 1 缝合 to use a needle and thread to join things together 2 (BrE, informal) 办妥;做成 to arrange or complete sth to stitch up a deal 做成一笔交易 They think they have the US market stitched up. 他们觉得美国市场已是万无一失。 收起 n. in stitches (informal) 大笑不止;笑破肚皮 laughing a lot The play had us in stitches . 那出戏让我们笑得前仰后合。 not have a stitch on not be wearing a stitch (informal) 一丝不挂;赤裸 to be naked a stitch in time (saves nine) (saying) 及时缝一针能省九针;小洞及时补,免遭大洞苦 it is better to deal with sth immediately because if you wait it may become worse or more difficult and cause extra work