
  • 基础释义
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  • n.


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  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 01:14:48
    • 知识拓展


      习语 n. be the making of sb 使成为更好(或更有作为)的人 to make sb become a better or more successful person University was the making of Joe. 大学造就了乔。 have the makings of sth 具备了成为…的必要条件 to have the qualities that are necessary to become sth Her first novel has all the makings of a classic. 她的第一部小说堪称经典之作。 in the making 在生产(或形成)过程中 in the process of becoming sth or of being made This model was two years in the making. 这种型号是用两年时间制成的。 These events are history in the making . 这些事将载入史册。 of your own making (of a problem, difficulty, etc. 问题、困难等) 自己造成的 created by you rather than by sb/sth else