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  • 纠错
  • v.

    推断( infer的现在分词 );间接地提出;暗示;意指;

  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 01:16:40
    • 词义辨析
    • infer, conclude, deduce, gather, judge
    • 这几个词共同的意思是“推断”。它们的区别在于:infer指从不太充分的论据或前提中推断出结论; conclude指通过推理或判断而得出结论; deduce指有充分根据地推论或逻辑上地演绎; gather指综合事物得出印象或感想等; judge通常指经过仔细鉴定或评价之后作出的决断。例如:
      From his a manner of dress and style of living,I gather that he is man of considerable means.从他的穿着式样和生活方式,我揣想他是个相当富有的人。
      She had concluded from that her grandmother did not like her.她已从那一点得出结论,断定她祖母不喜欢她。
      If you saw a doctor leaving a house, you might deduce the fact that someone in the house was ill.你要是看到医生从一家出来,你就可以推想那家有人生病。
      We see smoke and infer fire.我们看到烟,从而推断有火。
      Judging from what you said, they ought to succeed.从你说的情况看来,他们应当能成功。