
  • 基础释义
  • 纠错
  • abbr.

    foreign individual travelers 国外个体旅行者;fuel injection timing system 注射定时系统;

  • v.

    (使)适合( fit的第三人称单数 );合上;使适合;试穿;

  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 01:16:09
    • 词义辨析
    • fit, adapt
    • 这两个词共同的意思是“(使)适应”“(使)适合”。它们的区别是:
      The chameleon adapts to its surroundings by changing color.变色蜥蜴用变色来适应环境。
      This dress doesn't fit me any more.这件衣服再也不合我的身了。
      3.adapt的对象由介词for或to引出; fit的对象由for引出。例如:
      The novel has been adapted for the stage.这本小说已改编成剧本。
      He quickly adapted to the climate in the high mountains.他很快就适应了高山气候。
      Her experience and abilities fit her admirably for the job.凭她的经验和才能她非常适合胜任这项工作。
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