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    吃早餐( breakfast的第三人称单数 );供给…早餐;

  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 01:14:47
    • 词义辨析
    • breakfast, dinner, lunch, meal, supper, tea
    • 这组词均为餐名,一般不加冠词。它们的区别是:
      dinner指正餐,多在晚上吃,也可指宴会; breakfast指早餐; lunch指午餐; meal指任何一餐; supper指晚餐; tea在英国,指下午茶。例如:
      He asked me to dinner tonight.他邀请我今天晚上吃饭。
      The dinner we had was excellent.我们吃的晚餐很丰盛。
      I hope you will honour us with your presence at the dinner.我希望您能光临此次晚宴。
      I have breakfast at seven.我在7点吃早餐。
      We have lunch at noon.我们在中午吃午饭。
      He had a light meal at home.他在家吃了顿便餐。
      I have supper at six.我6点吃晚饭。
      They are having tea in the garden.他们正在园子里喝下午茶。